Once again another dimension of this practice has opened up to me. Recently, I was in Connecticut on a retreat with the Evolutionary Life Transformation Program I’ve been involved with for the past year. I expected to be involved in a lot of meditation and small group discussion, and never entertained any thought of leading kirtan. In addition, I didn’t bring my harmonium or any percussion so it definitely wasn’t on my radar. At least not until I saw the talent show sign up sheet. Then I thought about the nature of this course-Evolutionary Spirituality, Evolving beyond ego-and decided it would be a great opportunity to push my edge a little. Why not lead some type of kirtan? After all I was with 75 other people who were taking this course for the same reasons I was. This would be the perfect venue to experiment.
So I went to the kitchen, grabbed a card board box for a makeshift drum, poured some dried beans into a few yoghurt containers for a little percussion, gave my friend with a guitar a few chords, and off we went. Straight to that ego slashing Shiva. Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo. Within minutes the energy in the room just kind of exploded. I was so excited that I nearly annihilated that poor box between my knees. My voice was shaky and I could barely catch my breath. I’ve never been a part of such a powerful collective like that. Everyone opening their hearts, standing on their feet, singing, dancing, connecting. It was all so magical. So affirming to me of what this practice is, what it does, how it transcends, how it shifts our focus from the individual to the collective. From the small self to the Big Self. Connection, Connection, Connection. THAT is kirtan.
I will hold this experience dearly in my heart as I continue to dive into this sacred practice. I will try never to forget how it felt in that moment to let go of everything I thought I needed to serve. I will seek to embrace every opportunity for growth I am given. I will be happy being uncomfortable so that consciousness may evolve. And with humility and interest, I begin each day with a beginner’s mind.