Do we need any more poignant reminders of the need to: awaken to our interdependence; realize our connection to others; deal with anger and frustration in a healthy way; refuse to make ourselves victims; stop blaming others for our unhappiness; avoid supporting others who are struggling because it’s uncomfortable?
My Evolutionary Spirituality teacher, Craig Hamilton, recently challenged us to look at ways in which we are adding momentum to a culture of disconnection. How are we shutting people out? How are our actions contributing to feelings of isolation and separateness. To us versus them mentality.
Do we truly believe that our actions, impact others, impact society, impact culture?
I do. And this is why I think kirtan is so important. It connects us to our selves, to our divinity, and to others. I see it happen in every kirtan I lead. I feel it in every cell of my being, as my heart opens through the power of each mantra’s vibration.
Imagine a world where everyone experienced the connection that we experience in kirtan. That oneness, that openness, that transcendence, that love, that bliss, that stillness, that sacredness.
In this world, something like what happened in Connecticut would never happen again.