Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dreams in Motion: Part 2

"Yoga is a life of self discipline, built on the tenets of simple living and high thinking."

Swami Vishnu-Devananda

Having had some time over the past 2 weeks to reflect on my time in Paris as well as this entire year, I’m so happy, grateful, and humbled to have had such a year full of incredibly rich experiences:  Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within weekend, which actually jump started this adventure; 12 weeks of Integrative Nutritional Counseling; Meditation Specialist Certification course; teaching meditation/relaxation classes; Yoga, Yoga, and more Yoga; fun trips to England, New York, and Hawaii; helping start the Southern California chapter of Gay and Lesbian Employees and Allies at Merck(GLEAM); Orange County AIDS walk; getting  laid off from my job; continuing to work  as a contractor after that, benefiting from 2 salaries; quitting that job; renting out my condo; attending language school in Paris; and finally, off to India.  What a year!   And to have spent it surrounded by so much love and so many wonderful friends, well…in my opinion, no one could be more fortunate.  

I leave for Singapore December 26th for 2 days, then to Trivandrum, India until December 31st, when I will go to the Sivananda Ashram in Neyyar Dam for a month of  Yoga Teacher Training.  After that, I’m not sure.  I have the option of attending the advanced training starting February 8th, but I’ll wait awhile before making that decision. I’m also not sure what kind of internet connection I will have, nor how often I will be able to blog.   I will keep you posted. 

In the mean time, “bonnes fêtes de fin d’année" (Happy New Year).  And may 2009 be a year filled with “simple living and high thinking.”





colleen garrity said...

i am so glad you started blogging.
what a lovely way for me to get some of you and your experience of life woven into my day. loved your "simple living, high thinking". A good refelection, and it causes me to pause and acknowlege that while the city influences my motivation, supports my creative, there is something to be said for mastering simple living within the collective consciousness of "do more, be more."
Ironically, it takes a little more to do less, pairing down to experience the gift of "just being". This, an art unto itself. And with that practice, as you have clearly shown this last year, the soul's journey will speak though when it is not drown out in ego and distraction. It will be heard by the mind who's soils have been fertilized by loving-kindness.
thank you for being a living reflection of practice. there is light in your eyes, radiating always, such warmth and ease.
A pleasure to be in the space of your transformed being.
Stay blessed.

Anonymous said...

What a life! Be thankful every moment for the gifts you have given yourself.

Mary in NM