Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ashram Update

Just a few words this week as I have to prepare for teaching my first yoga class tomorrow.  We've just made it to the half way point in the training and not a moment too soon. Every muscle in my body is aching from 4 hours of yoga a day, and sitting on the floor for every meditation and lecture, as well as for meals.  However, I am teaching my first class tomorrow and am very excited. It's so nice to finally be able to put together all the things I've learned into a nice flowing sequence. Boy, do I have a new appreciation for all my teachers. It certainly takes a lot more concentration that I ever imagined. And the words, WOW!  English is my first language and I struggle with words. 

I was sick all last week with some sort of Indian gastrointestinal bug that pretty much wiped me out. It was interesting to try and work through that and continue with the schedule. Normally, I want to pull the covers over my head and check out. However, here I just continue to go to class and try not to resort to that habitual mind, "Oh my God, I'm going to die". It's amazing how much sicker we make ourselves with our mind.  So everyday that I feel good, I express so much gratitude. This schedule is intense when you're well, being sick is a whole different story. 

I'm learning so much, even though it's painful at times. Resistance surrender, resistance surrender. That is my practice. That is yoga. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA

More later, 




Ruth said...

I don't know Tim, sounds a bit intense to me. I'd have wimped out by now I think.

Anonymous said...

You rock Tim! What a fantastic experience!

jools said...

Haha runny poo! Boil rice, drink the water, the best cure. Amazing times! x

Anonymous said...

The very best of luck to you on teaching your first class - you will do an awesome job.