This could quite possibly be the most outrageous setting that I, or anyone for that matter, could sit and write a blog entry. I’m sitting on the deck of my cottage at the summit of a mountain overlooking the entire Munduk valley in Northern Bali. So many beautiful rice fields with the deepest, richest color of green I think I’ve ever seen. It’s about 70 degrees with a nice soothing mountain wind blowing. Hinting of an approaching afternoon rain shower. If this is not paradise I don’t know what is. How have I managed not to have come here before? I’ve talked about it for years but never managed to make it for one reason or another. I suppose now was simply the perfect time. And perfect it is. There simply aren’t enough superlatives to describe it.
I had originally planned to visit Bali on my way to India, but I couldn’t work out the itinerary in time. Thank Goodness. I’m sure I would not have appreciated its magnificence, as much had I not spent the last 5 months in India. I walk around with my mouth agape, constantly. It IS the Garden of Eden.
Yesterday I started the day with my yoga practice, had breakfast at the cottage “restaurant”(see picture), went on a waterfall trek that was described as steep, slippery and challenging. (No wonder my guide and I were the only ones there-which just added to the… uh, well indescribable moment.), took a long nap during one of those soothing afternoon rain showers that Bali has everyday, woke up in time for my massage, ate a terrific dinner at the restaurant which had an equally stunning vista, and finally and rather climactically, enjoyed an evening without electricity. Total darkness with nothing but a kerosene lamp and the sounds of nature. I think without a doubt it was the most perfect day I’ve ever had. What a nice explanation point on this journey of a lifetime!
I’m so grateful, so blessed, so fortunate, so humbled, and so happy to be indulging on these stunning sensory pleasures. I guess this is the love portion of my “Eat, Pray, Love” saga isn’t it. Quite simply, I don’t think my heart could be any more full of love that it is right now. Especially when I think of all the people in my life who’ve contributed so much in helping me get where I am today, both literally and figuratively. Such a nice note to come home on.
OM-May all be happy, May all be free from disabilities, May all look to the good of others, may no one suffer from sorrow.
OM SHANTI (peace)
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